Ben Howard - The Wolves MP3

Ben Howard - The Wolves Lyrics Letra

Falling from high places,
falling through lost spaces,
Now that we're lonely,
now that there's nowhere to go.
Watching from both sides,
these clock towers burning up,
I lost my time here,
i lost my patience with it all.

And we lost faith, in the arms of love.

Where you been hiding lately,
where you been hiding from the news?
Because we've been fighting lately,
we've been fighting with the wolves.
With the wolves.
Red tongues and hands.

Falling from high places,
falling through lost spaces,
Now that we're lonely,
now that we're so far from home.
Watching from both sides,
these towers been tumbling down,
I lost my mind here,
I lost my patience with the lord.

And we lost faith, oh in the arms of love

Where you been hiding lately,
where you been hiding from the news?
Because we've been fighting lately,
we've been fighting with the wolves.
With the wolves.
Red tongues and hands.

We lost faith, in the arms of love.
Ben Howard - The Wolves

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