Estudante Timor Nakar

  • ESTUDANTE FETO NAIN WALU NIA FUTURU IHA LOS NEBE, SE MAK ... artigu ida ne’e hau foti husi “carta” ba Timor ... Foin-Sa’e Nakar no Kultura Ita-Nian; MEMORIES OF A ...
  • East Timor was entering a crucial period that would ... nee hahu iha tinan 2002 ami hanorin tiha ona estudante sira ... ba loza tolu ne’ebe determina, iha emprezariu nakar ...
  • Ita hakarak povu Timor-Leste tomak moris iha hakmatek ho dame nia laran, tamba ne ... family:"Arial","sans-serif"; mso-ansi-language:PT">(Estudante ...
  • Estudante Timor Oan Iha Kuba Kontinua Preokupa ho ... Australian acquitted of plot to kill ... Intervensaun Fós MTCI,“Emprezariu ‘Nakar’ Tenta Se... “KKFP Prontu Husik ...
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